Visa for relatives of foreigners who already have legal residence in Spain and who want to exercise the right to family reunification.
This type of visa is not issued to family members of citizens of the European Union or of the Member States of the European Economic Area or of Switzerland (see “Visas for family members of citizens of the Union”).
Relatives who can obtain a family reunification visa:
- The spouse, not separated in fact or by law, or the person who maintains an affective relationship analogous to the conjugal relationship with the sponsor (partner registered in a public registry, provided the registration has not been cancelled, or non-registered partner provided can prove the continuity of a cohabitation relationship established before the sponsor established his residence in Spain). You cannot regroup more than one spouse or partner.
- The children of the sponsor, the children of the spouse or partner -including those adopted (as long as the adoption is valid in Spain)- and those legally represented by the sponsor, under 18 years of age or disabled who are not objectively capable of providing for their own needs due to their health status.
- The parents (father or mother) of the sponsor and those of their spouse or partner, provided they are in charge of the sponsor, are over 65 years of age and there are reasons that justify the need to authorize their residence in Spain. Exceptionally, and for humanitarian reasons, the reunification of parents under 65 years of age may be allowed.
Visa Fees
Dear Applicants, Travel Agents and Representatives, please read carefully the new
Duration |
Visa Fees in USD |
$94 |
BLS Service Charges |
$ 18.00 |
Please note:
- The above mentioned Visa Fee is to be paid only by cash.
- The applicable Visa Fee in United States Dollar is as per the current exchange
rate. It is subject to change without notice
- The fee is non-refundable
Please keep in mind:
- The service charge includes taxes and is a value that is paid additionally to
the visa fee.
Documents Required
- National visa application form ( National visa form ) Each applicant will complete in all its sections and sign a visa application. If the applicant is a minor, the application will be signed by one of her parents or guardians or a duly accredited representative.
- Photography. A recent color passport-size photograph with a light background, taken from the front, without dark glasses, reflections, or clothing that hides the oval of the face.
- Valid and current passport. Original and a photocopy of the page or pages with biometric data of the passport. The passport must have a minimum validity of 4 months and two blank pages. Passports issued more than 10 years ago are not accepted.
- Initial authorization for family reunification. Original and a copy of the initial authorization for family reunification issued by the Delegation or Sub-delegation of the Government in Spain, at the request of the sponsor.
- Residence card of the applicant. Certified photocopy of the applicant's Foreign Identity Card, which must be in force.
- Documents proving the family relationship with the sponsor.
- Spouses : Marriage certificate issued by the competent civil registry. In the case of second or successive marriages, proof of divorce from the previous spouse.
- Common-law couples : Certificate of registration as a common-law couple or, if the couple is not registered, documents that prove that the couple relationship has been maintained since before the sponsor moved their residence to Spain.
- Children : Birth certificate issued by the competent civil registry. In the case of children of only one of the spouses or a member of the couple, proof of the sole exercise of parental authority or that custody has been granted and that the child is effectively in charge of the child must also be provided.
- Parents : Birth certificate of the sponsor or of the spouse or partner issued by the competent civil registry and documents that prove the reasons that justify the need to authorize their residence in Spain. Among other documents, proof must be presented that, over the past year, the sponsor has transferred funds or paid the parent's expenses that represent at least 51% of the GDP per capita of the parent's country of residence. In addition, proof of the parent's annual income and properties and information on other direct family members residing in the country will be presented.
- Criminal record certificate. Applicants of criminal age must present the original and a copy of the criminal record certificate issued by the country or countries of residence in the last 5 years. Apostilled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador, you must provide original and copy.
- Medical certificate. Original and a copy of a medical certificate that proves that the applicant does not suffer from diseases that may have serious repercussions for public health in accordance with the International Health Regulations of 2005. Apostilled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador, you must provide original and copy.
- Proof of residence in the consular demarcation. Voting certificate and ballot.
- Evidence of the representative's identity and capacity. If the applicant is a minor, a copy of the identity document or passport of the parent, guardian or representative and the document that proves the relationship or guardianship or the power of attorney or document that proves the representation must be presented. The originals will be shown at the time of submitting the application.
- Payment of the visa fee. The fee is 88.00 USD
When necessary to assess the application, the Consular Office may request additional documents or data and may also call the applicant for a personal interview.
This Consular Office is competent to accept visa applications from people residing in the consular demarcation.
- Legitimate subject : The visa application will be presented personally by the interested party. If the applicant is a minor, the presentation by one of the parents or guardians or by a duly accredited representative will be accepted.
- Deadline to apply for the visa : The visa must be requested within 2 months, counted from the day following the date on which the sponsor is notified of the favorable decision authorizing family reunification.
- Place of presentation :
To request an appointment:
Send an email to: nacionales.gye@blsinternational.net
In SUBJECT write " See Regrouping". In the body of the message, you must include the following information:
1 - Name and surname
2 - Biometric passport number.
3 - Email address.
4 - Telephone number.
5 - Nationality of the Sponsor in Spain.
6 - Observations.
Attach a copy of the positive resolution of "family reunification in general regime"
You must request an appointment for each of the applicants, and an email will be sent for each person applying for a visa.
“You have to come to the appointment on time. You will receive an email in your mailbox with instructions, date and time of the appointment.
- Proof of delivery : The Consular Office will provide the interested party with an application receipt with a code that allows verifying the status of the file processing through the link: https://sutramiteconsular.maec.es
- Correction of the application : The Consular Office may ask the applicant to present the missing documents, or to provide additional documents or data that are necessary to resolve the application. You may also call the applicant for a personal interview.
- Term to resolve : The legal term to make a decision is 2 months from the day following the date of submission of the application, but this term may be extended when additional documents are requested or an interview is held.
- Withdrawal of the visa : The visa must be withdrawn personally by the interested party or by his representative (if he is a minor), without the need for an appointment, within a maximum period of 2 months, counted from the day following the date on which notify the favorable resolution.
- Refusal of the visa : If applicable, the refusal of the visa will always be notified in writing, stating the reasons on which the decision is based.
- Appeals : In case of denial of the visa, the applicant can file an appeal for replacement before this Consular Office within a period of 1 month from the day following the date on which he receives the notification of the denial. You can also file a contentious-administrative appeal before the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid within a period of 2 months from the day following the date on which you receive the notification of denial of the visa or dismissal of the appeal for replacement.
- Visa validity : The visa will be valid for 90 days. Once in Spain, a Foreigner Identity Card must be requested, within 1 month of entering Spain, at the Immigration Office or Police Station of the province in which the residence authorization was processed.
Photo Specifications
Note: We regret we cannot accept photographs that do not meet these requirements

Please provide one recent photograph (not more than 6 months old) of yourself, which should not have been used previously in the passport. The photograph should be in colour and:
- Taken against white background so that features are distinguishable and contrast against the background.
- Clear share quality and with the face in focus.
- Printed on normal photographic paper (camera print).
- Full face, non-smiling [without sunglasses, a hat/cap or other head covering, unless the applicant wears such items because of their religious belief or ethnic background]
- Please stick the Photograph on the Visa Application Form.
Note: Please follow these instructions carefully. If photographs presented do not meet these requirements your application will be considered incomplete. A photo booth meeting these requirements is available at the centre..